

Hello there, my name is Paul. I am an amateur writer who loved science fiction and fantasy since I was a child. Growing up in the 60's and 70's was an exciting time. Science and technology was beginning to make leaps and bounds toward the stuff only found in stories. Man journeyed into space and eventually to the moon. This brought on a push in technological advances and computers quickly jumped into a common reality. This abundance of new science technology fed the imagination of many little kids, including myself.

With science and technology moving forward at a faster pace each year, the topics of science fiction that years ago seemed far fetched are slowly becoming possibilities in the near future. As science progresses forward, so does the imagination of authors who write science fiction stories. With each science breakthrough comes endless posibillities of subjects that can be written about.

This site was created as a place to display the stories that I want to write about. A collection of thoughts and idea's that I have been pondering over the past 20 years. And with the help of the 'WWW' I can publish my own stories with little effort. Currently this is just a hobby and my time devoted to it will be limited. With a little luck and determination, I'm hoping to make this site a stop for people who wish to enjoy a good story or two... I will try to devote as much spare time as I can to this site and the stories that will become the content.

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